Finding Your Passions!

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Discovering your passions can be like trying to find your keys when you’re running late – frustrating and confusing. But fear not! Here are some steps to help you on your quest:

Reflect on what makes you happy: Think about the activities that make you happier than a dog with a bone. Maybe it’s playing video games, baking cookies, or even napping. Don’t judge, just write it down.

Consider your strengths: What skills do you have that make you a superhero in your own right? Can you fold fitted sheets like a pro or do a killer karaoke rendition of “Livin’ on a Prayer”? Own it!

Explore new interests: Get out of your comfort zone and try new things! Take up basket-weaving, interpretive dance, or join a group of extreme knitters. You never know what might spark your passion.

Pay attention to what you lose track of time doing: It’s like time travel, but without the need for a DeLorean. When you’re so into something that you lose track of time, that’s a good sign you’ve found something you’re passionate about.

Identify your values: Think about what’s important to you. Is it saving the planet, making people laugh, or finding the perfect taco? Once you know your values, you can look for ways to live them through your passions.

Follow your curiosity: Just like a cat with a laser pointer, let your curiosity guide you. Chase down new experiences and ideas. Who knows, you might just discover your next big passion!

Remember, the journey to finding your passions should be fun and exciting. So, go forth and embrace your inner weirdness!