I must confess

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I must confess that I fear nearly everything until I discover that I really fear nothing. That is the day I grow a few millimeters more as human being.

That first kiss is the scariest ever!  The second kiss is better. But every kiss is different and brings new challenges that never goes away, not even after kissing through a thousand  nights 


I don’t blame or forgive; myself or others.  I also don’t believe that any creature, earthly or divine can judge anyone. I only try to understand everyone

I am not religious, but I do  respect, and listen to those who believe in something or someone, in everything and nothing, in one invisible god or many,  or many, in a divine order or universal chaos. They are all the same seekers of the truth not knowing they know nothing.

I am  heterosexual, and have discovered that I am simply sexual. I discover this after many years of not understanding myself. Like Sushi, fresh mozzarella, and wine, it is one of life’s simple pleasures.  I believe in love, far beyond any preference, craving, repression and pleasures.

I am not reactionary. I believe in progress and in people that wish for human progress. Up until these same people, corrupted by power and self-interest, turn into monsters trying to repress, oppress and manipulate others, countering said progress. Is this humanities fate, to always be ruled by egomaniacs.

I do not judge, but I am passionately opinionated have you figured yet.. 


I don’t like washing or ironing clothes and I do a terrible job of it. Apart from that I can do anything. Sometimes, I manage to cook  up something nice. 

I adore harmony. I arrange my life like a painter distributes space in a canvas. Everything is well placed and keeping some distance, but to the bystander it is a mess. I don’t care. The mess is really inside my head, where nothing is where I left it and there is very little space in between, but I can still grow. 

So…once in a while I ponder my life and wonder why I am  alone and think. I think a lot but then I run out of room again. And then there is you… 


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