WIN / WIN in everything…. 

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WIN / WIN in everything….

The greatest tool to being successful is the attitude of WIN/WIN. I am sure you have read or heard something about the concept. Let me expand on it more and let me expand on the concept of Win/Lose and Lose/Win. There is also LOSE/LOSE but no one wants that.

In WIN/WIN both parties feel that they are winning in the relationship. Both are relatively happy, and both are working for that WIN/WIN feeling.

In a WIN/LOSE, one party is purposely trying to win at all cost over the other parties, there is a form of exploitation on the part of the first party to the second. As one former business associate mentioned to me, “I always win.” Notice the keyword “former.” Who wants to have a relationship with someone who always is trying to get you? WIN/LOSE people go from partners to partners, taking advantage and at the end being along. They don’t build teams, loyalty, friends or prosperous lives. They are ego driven, usually make some money but seldom make a good name for themselves. Other WIN/LOSE people invite them to parties to try to get their money.

In a LOSE/WIN, one party always thinks the other is trying to exploit them. They think everyone is after them, and seldom are they happy. They will fail to make the deal, or the relationship work because they won’t accept the other parties attempt at a fair deal. They are never happy in life because they always think they are getting the raw deal. In personal relationships, they can be downers at best, depressive at worst. They seldom build intimate relationships that last very long, because obviously, the other person is out to get something of them. Unfortunately, they do set themselves up for the same thing they are trying to avoid. They attract people that want to take advantage of them, and they let those vultures in. 


LOSE/LOSE, is the ultimate mistake. Both parties want it their way. Both a driven by ego or emotion, neither sees the advantage of working it out. MAD, better known as mutually achieve destruction is the concept is a doctrine of military strategy and national-security policy in which a full-scale use of high-yield weapons of mass destruction by two opposing sides would effectively result in the complete, utter and irrevocable annihilation of both the attacker and the defender, becoming thus a war that has no victory nor any armistice but only effective reciprocal destruction. If it sounds like a marriage or divorce, you have heard off. Now you know why I say driven by ego and emotion.

Ok, so back to WIN/WIN. Is there any other way? Not really! It is the only way to be successful in relationships, business, family, or life in general. Compromise and expectation that everyone wants the best for everyone. Personally, if it is not a WIN/WIN, I walk away from it. Let WIN/LOSE, LOSE/WIN people have at each other. Life is too short to deal with them.

I will expand on WIN/WIN and WIN/WIN or No Deal in further chapters. There is an excellent chapter on this most important topic in “THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE” by Stephen R. Covey. 

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