Your life is Unwritten… a lyrics summary of my favorite song.

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I am unwritten, undefined,
A blank page waiting to be designed,
The pen is in my hand, but the ending unknown,
The possibilities ahead, like seeds yet unsown.

Staring at the page before me,
Open up the dirty window, let the light set me free,
Illuminate the words I cannot find,
Reaching for something that’s just out of my mind.

Release my inhibitions, let go of my fear,
Feel the rain on my skin, let it wash away the tears,
No one else can feel it for me, only I can let it in,
The words unspoken, they’re where I begin.

Live your life with arms wide open,
Embrace the mystery, let your heart be awoken,
Today is where your future begins,
And the rest is still unwritten.

I break tradition, color outside the lines,
We’ve been conditioned to play it safe, but that’s not how life shines,
I must make mistakes, take risks and learn,
For in the unknown, there’s a lesson to discern.

Drench yourself in words unspoken,
Let your soul be your only token,
No one else can speak the words on your lips,
Only you can let your truth eclipse.

Today is where your future begins,
The rest is still unwritten,
So open up the dirty window,
And let your light shine, unhidden.

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