Love is a GIFT

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How’s coffee. It’s great.

Is there love in those words? Maybe, maybe not. Love grows from simplest of things. It is always there if we allowed to be.

You give it away and when it comes back it is real. The hard part is your always giving it away not knowing what you’re going to get back.

We are used to everything being a science or a skill. A challenge to overcome. We think we can control our destiny. We can somewhat. But there’s more that we cannot choose. It is quite illogical to believe in fate or magic but aren’t the reasons to believe in the illogical. Taking a leap of faith. Taking a leap into the illogical logical. The hope that has no fear.
Love Cannot be conquered, or achieved. There is no one right way. It can’t be outsmarted. It can be scary.
It can be there when you least expect it. Love this mysterious thing that you cannot Master it.

Nor can you capture it.
Love happens in the present, the now. We have to let go of the past in order to let love in to the present. And you have to keep the the door open so that you can have it in the future.

So what is love?
It is an energy that happens between two people. It is love that makes us humans.

Many will tell you all the chemical reasons why our brain falls into love. For many it’s a spiritual event, a blessing from God. Two others is just a random thing that happens.
There are reasons to believe anything you want. But the only explanation for something as magical as love is magic. Unless you want to believe there’s a cupid out there.

The magic that happens between two people is a gift because most people are willing to give of themselves.
And the more they give the more they will receive.

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