SAMA – Balance

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The hands of meditation! One cradles the past, full of memories that you cherish or wish to forget, depending on the day’s mood. The other cradles the future, that glittering realm of possibilities that never quite materializes as you expect.
And there you sit, in the present, balancing the two like a juggler on a windy hill.

Memories, of course, are a delightful paradox. They’re as reliable as a politician’s promise and as useful as a screen door on a submarine when it comes to navigating the present. But still, they have their charm.
They let you smile at mistakes so colossal that you wonder how you survived them, or blush at triumphs so small you might need a magnifying glass to find them.

The future, on the other hand, is a con artist with a silver tongue, whispering dreams that are sometimes sweet, sometimes bitter, and always uncertain. You may as well try to predict the weather a month from now with a broken barometer and a cat that’s indifferent to clouds.

But the present—that’s where the real living happens. The present is the prize for showing up. It’s where you taste the pie, not just remember the recipe or imagine the next slice. It’s where you laugh until your sides ache, where you feel the sun warm your face or the rain soak your shirt. It’s the only time you truly have, which is why it’s called ‘the present’—a gift, as you rightly said.
But the trick is unwrapping it without worrying about the bows of yesterday or the ribbons of tomorrow.

So, clasp those hands gently. Let the past rest where it belongs, let the future do its pirouettes, and keep your eyes on the marvels of today.
After all, life’s most exquisite moments are often the ones happening right now, while you’re too busy wondering where your hands should go.

But, Meditate all you want, my friends, but don’t forget to open your eyes once in a while. Life’s got plenty to show you!

The Hindu term for balance is “Sama” (सम), which translates to equanimity, equality, or harmony. It reflects the idea of maintaining steadiness and equilibrium, both physically and mentally in all things.

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