Tools for Success – First Principles and Critical Thinking

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**First Principles:**
First principles are the most basic, fundamental truths of a subject that cannot be deduced further. They are the foundation upon which all reasoning and understanding in that area must be built.

**Critical Thinking:**
Critical thinking is the ability to objectively analyze and evaluate information, arguments, or situations by questioning assumptions, identifying biases, and relying on logic and evidence to reach conclusions.

First principles are like the bedrock under a river: solid, unmoving truths that everything else flows around. When you’re trying to figure out something complicated, the trick is to strip it down to the bare bones—throw out all the fancy language, shiny distractions, and common assumptions that aren’t proven. You don’t want to be building your house on sand, now do you?

Critical thinking is just the art of asking, “What’s really going on here?” It’s poking at every idea, like a kid pokes at a toad, to see if it hops—or if it’s just a lump. Folks tend to accept things because they’re easier that way, but ease isn’t always truth. Most of the time, people are so busy following tracks, they never wonder if the train’s going in the right direction.

If you want to live smart, start thinking like the world is a riddle. Break it apart, ask why a hundred times, and don’t be satisfied with any answer that doesn’t hold up to good old-fashioned reason. The first principle will get you to the truth, and critical thinking will make sure you don’t fall for a tall tale dressed as fact. And that, my friend, is how you keep yourself from being the fool in somebody else’s joke.

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