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Well, now, I see you’ve decided to visit again. Didn’t we talk about you giving me a little breathing room?

Oh, darling, I could never leave you alone. Don’t you miss me? I’m here to keep you on your toes. What if you trip up and make a fool of yourself? I’m just… looking out for you.

Looking out for me, are you? Funny, you’ve got a peculiar way of doing it—like a guard dog barking at its own shadow. If you really cared, you’d let me enjoy a little peace.

But where’s the fun in peace? Think of all the things that could go wrong if I weren’t here to remind you. What if you fail? What if people laugh at you? I’m just here to… whisper a little reality in your ear.

Whisper? Oh, honey, your whispers sound more like a church bell in the middle of a thunderstorm. Let me tell you something: worrying about the future is like paying interest on a debt that might not even come due.

Mmm, but what if the debt does come due? You wouldn’t want to be caught off guard, now, would you? Imagine the shame, the regret. I’m just trying to make sure you’re… prepared.

Prepared, you say? Darling, you’ve got me packing an umbrella on a sunny day. You’re about as useful as an almanac predicting last year’s weather. Now, don’t get me wrong—I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you’ve got a knack for turning a molehill into the Himalayas.

Oh, you wound me. I’m only trying to protect that clever little brain of yours. Wouldn’t it be tragic if you didn’t see disaster coming? I’m just saying… stay sharp.

Sharp, eh? Well, I’ll tell you this: I’d rather face disaster with a dull knife than let you keep me too paralyzed to act. Life’s about as unpredictable as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to spend my time fretting when I could be living.

Living? Without me? Oh, you wouldn’t last a day without my little reminders. Admit it—you need me.

Need you? My dear, I’ll admit you’ve got a certain charm, but you’re like a bottle of whiskey—best in small doses and downright destructive in excess. So here’s the deal: you can stick around if you keep your voice down. Otherwise, I’ve got better things to do than entertain your nonsense.

Fine, fine. But don’t come crying to me when things go wrong. I’ll be here, waiting…

Oh, I’ve no doubt you will, sweetheart. Just don’t expect me to roll out the red carpet every time you show up. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some living to do.

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