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The Forward Thinker
Reads because it stretches the mind.
Discusses ideas to spark creation.
Compliments genuinely—words cost nothing but mean everything.
Dances with change like an old friend.
Forgives easily; grudges are heavy luggage for a short journey.
Learns constantly, knowing that ignorance is the heaviest chain.
Owns their mistakes, for the blame game is a sport for fools.
Lives in gratitude; even the smallest flower deserves a thank-you.
Makes plans, but laughs when life scribbles over them.

The Fence Sitter
Watches screens, hoping wisdom leaks through pixels.
Gossips because talking ideas requires courage.
Criticizes to feel taller; doesn’t notice their own shadow shrinks.
Fears change as if it’s the taxman.
Holds grudges like they’re stocks destined to rise.
Boasts of knowledge, yet closes books to avoid proof otherwise.
Points fingers, never realizing three point back.
Demands entitlements, forgetting the world owes nothing.
Wings it, thinking life’s a flight, not a dance.

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