GRATITUDE- Make Mornings Great Again.

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Every Morning, make it your business to practice gratitude. Don’t just skimp by with a vague sense of appreciation! Count out at least ten things you’ve got to be thankful for. They don’t have to be grand. Give thanks for the morning light that stirs you awake, for the coffee that turns you human, and for the roof that keeps the rain off your head. Be grateful for a friend’s hearty laugh, the neighbor who waves without fail, or even for the cat that thinks you’re a hero just for coming home. And don’t stop there—give thanks to whoever or whatever seems proper. Tip your hat to the heavens, nod to nature, or even mutter your thanks to a bit of good luck that decided to befriend you.

And if you need a nudge, let me remind you of the people who make your life richer. Be thankful for your parents, who put up with your shenanigans and somehow didn’t trade you in for a quieter model. For your spouse/partner, who, despite knowing all your faults, still chooses you every day. Your children, if you’ve got them, for keeping you young—or at least on your toes. Your co-workers, for sharing the burden (and maybe the gossip) that gets you through the workday. Your employer, if they’re decent enough, for giving you a chance to earn your keep. Your business partners, who help you build something greater than you could alone. Your customers, for trusting you with their needs, and your vendors, for keeping the wheels turning.

Don’t forget to look higher, too. Give thanks to God, if He’s your compass, or to the universe, if you believe it’s spinning just for you. Thank nature for its beauty and its lessons, even when it’s teaching you humility in a thunderstorm. Show gratitude for teachers, mentors, old friends who never drift away, and new ones who show up just when you need them. Be thankful for the stranger who held the door or the smile that brightened your day for no good reason at all.

And finally, don’t forget yourself. Be grateful for your perseverance, your growth, and even your stumbles—they’re part of the journey. Gratitude, my friend, is like kindling. It lights a fire in your spirit and keeps it burning warm, even on the frostiest of days. So sit yourself down and reckon up your blessings. You’ll find you’re richer than you thought—and the more you count, the more life will add to the pile.

The Universe will be grateful back, I promise.

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