DAY 9 – Learn About Money—

Or Stay Broke Forever

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The Hard Truth About Money That No One Told You

If there’s one thing more common than mosquitoes in summer, it’s people making bad money decisions. Now, I don’t mean the occasional overpriced latte or buying a gym membership you’ll never use. I mean the kind of financial ignorance that keeps folks working paycheck to paycheck, never quite sure why they can’t get ahead.

Money itself isn’t the enemy. It’s a tool, like a hammer. You can use it to build a house or smash your own foot—your choice. But if you don’t take the time to learn how money works, you’ll be at its mercy forever.

Rule #1: Stop Blaming Money for Your Problems

A lot of people like to say, “Money is the root of all evil.” That’s nonsense. Ignorance about money is the real problem. Money doesn’t care if you understand it or not—it just obeys those who do. The rich aren’t smarter than you; they just know the rules of the game. And guess what? The game isn’t fair, but you still have to play.

Rule #2: Save, But Don’t Just Save

If your entire financial plan is stuffing money under your mattress or hoarding it in a low-interest savings account, you’re not saving—you’re slowly losing. Inflation eats away at your cash like termites in an old barn. Smart saving means putting your money in places where it grows, like investments, real estate, or even a business.

Rule #3: Learn to Multiply Your Money

The secret of the wealthy isn’t just hard work—it’s leverage. They make their money work for them. Every dollar should be an employee, out in the world earning more dollars for you. Stocks, index funds, rental properties, side businesses—these are the tools of those who refuse to stay broke.

If you’re just working for money, you’re stuck. If your money is working for you, you’re free.

Rule #4: Stay Away from Money Traps

Debt can be a tool or a trap. Using a loan to buy a rental property? Smart. Using credit cards to buy things you don’t need? Foolish. The system is designed to keep you in debt because that’s how banks make their money. If you can’t pay off a purchase within a month, ask yourself if you really need it—or if you’re just trying to impress people who don’t care.

Rule #5: Start Now—Not Later

The biggest mistake people make with money is waiting. Waiting until they make more. Waiting until next year. Waiting until they “figure it out.” But money has a funny way of punishing procrastinators. The earlier you start learning, saving, and investing, the easier your future becomes.

Final Thought: The Rich Aren’t Special—They Just Learned Sooner

If you walk away with one lesson, let it be this: money isn’t mysterious, and it isn’t just for “other people.” The difference between the rich and the broke isn’t luck—it’s knowledge.

Some folks spend their lives complaining about how unfair the system is. Others learn how to beat it at its own game.

You get to choose which one you’ll be

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