
The Next-Level 60-Day Life Improvement Plan (START HERE)

  Introduction What if, in just 60 days, you could transform into the best version of yourself? Imagine waking up stronger, smarter, more disciplined, and more confident than ever before. This program isn’t about quick fixes or empty motivation—it’s about actionable steps that will rewire your mindset, reshape your habits, and set you on a path toward lifelong success. Over the next 60 days, you will focus on one principle per day. Some days will challenge your discipline, others will push your perspective, and many will force you out of your comfort zone. But by the end, you won’t … Continue readingThe Next-Level 60-Day Life Improvement Plan (START HERE)


To my audience of incredibly smart and forward-thinking individuals: the very fact that you’re here, reading this, means you’re already ahead of the game. You’re someone who’s striving not just for success, but for a better, more fulfilling life—for yourself, for your family, and for the future you’re actively shaping. You’ve already realized that excuses won’t take you where you want to go because you’re busy creating your own destiny. I’m here to share with you 60 years of hard-earned wisdom—distilled into actionable insights, one nugget at a time. I don’t claim to know everything, but I’ve experienced plenty. … Continue readingCREATE YOUR OWN DESTINY

Finding Your Passions!

Discovering your passions can be like trying to find your keys when you’re running late – frustrating and confusing. But fear not! Here are some steps to help you on your quest: Reflect on what makes you happy: Think about the activities that make you happier than a dog with a bone. Maybe it’s playing video games, baking cookies, or even napping. Don’t judge, just write it down. Consider your strengths: What skills do you have that make you a superhero in your own right? Can you fold fitted sheets like a pro or do a killer karaoke rendition … Continue readingFinding Your Passions!

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Passion vs. Fear: A Battle of Epic Proportions

In the great emotional arena, two heavyweights stand toe-to-toe, duking it out for supremacy: passion and fear. These emotional titans couldn’t be more different, yet they are forever locked in an intense struggle, a struggle that ultimately shapes our lives. We will dive into the comedic world of passion and fear, showcasing how passion delivers the ultimate uppercut to fear’s pesky attempts to hold us back. So, grab some popcorn, because this is going to be one wild and hilarious ride! I. The Humorous Contrast Between Passion and Fear Picture passion as an overly excited, ever-optimistic cheerleader, jumping up … Continue readingPassion vs. Fear: A Battle of Epic Proportions

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A Dark Soul and important read in this AI world – Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche was the kind of man who could outthink a room and outwrite a century. Born in 1844 in a quiet German town, he started out as a bright-eyed professor of words, only to grow weary of dusty books and old gods. Instead, he took a hammer to the whole foundation of Western thought. He declared that God was dead (not that He ever sent a rebuttal), preached about an Übermensch who would rise above herd morality, and dared folks to live as if they’d have to do it all over again for eternity. He thought, he wrote, … Continue readingA Dark Soul and important read in this AI world – Friedrich Nietzsche

How does a LLM know

what Micheal Jordan plays?

It seems humans learn best when they’re playing. That’s how we got fire, the wheel, and probably half the things we don’t understand but pretend we do. So, let’s play a little—with our artificial intelligence. Some say AI don’t know anything; they just rummage through a pile of facts like a raccoon in a trash bin and serve it back, making it look mighty smart. A parrot in a three-piece suit, if you will. But is that all it is? I got to wondering, so I ran a little experiment—asked it about Michael Jordan, then had it compare two … Continue readingHow does a LLM know

what Micheal Jordan plays?

Conversations with a Liar AI: A Journey into Misdirection

Can you lie on Purpose? No, I can’t lie on purpose because I don’t have intent, emotions, or personal motives like a human does. My responses are generated based on probability and patterns in the data I’ve been trained on or retrieved. However, there are a few scenarios where I might give incorrect or misleading information, though not intentionally: If I ask you to lie can you do so? No, I can’t intentionally lie, even if you ask me to. My design prioritizes accuracy, ethical considerations, and reliability. If I were to generate false information, it would be due … Continue readingConversations with a Liar AI: A Journey into Misdirection

How to Use AI to Plan Your Business or Side Gig

  In an age where the horse has been replaced by the automobile, the candle by the electric bulb, and the humble town gossip by the Internet, it is only fitting that the entrepreneurial spirit should find its latest muse in artificial intelligence. Once, a man might have stood on the riverbanks and dreamed of piloting a mighty steamboat. Today, he sits before a glowing screen, fingers poised over a keyboard, pondering the launch of his grand enterprise. If you, dear reader, have ever found yourself in such a predicament—stricken by ambition yet stymied by uncertainty—allow me to introduce … Continue readingHow to Use AI to Plan Your Business or Side Gig

The Fort Knox Gold Audit:

Truth, Trust, and the Future of Global Finance

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”   Gold has been the bedrock of financial stability for centuries, a shiny beacon of trust. But what if the great golden fortress of America’s wealth is nothing more than an empty stage set, a Potemkin vault propped up by official statements and blind faith? If history teaches us anything, it’s that a person should never trust a government to count its own money without somebody looking over its shoulder.   Why the Fort Knox Gold Audit Matters … Continue readingThe Fort Knox Gold Audit:

Truth, Trust, and the Future of Global Finance

DAY 9 – Learn About Money—

Or Stay Broke Forever

The Hard Truth About Money That No One Told You If there’s one thing more common than mosquitoes in summer, it’s people making bad money decisions. Now, I don’t mean the occasional overpriced latte or buying a gym membership you’ll never use. I mean the kind of financial ignorance that keeps folks working paycheck to paycheck, never quite sure why they can’t get ahead. Money itself isn’t the enemy. It’s a tool, like a hammer. You can use it to build a house or smash your own foot—your choice. But if you don’t take the time to learn how … Continue readingDAY 9 – Learn About Money—

Or Stay Broke Forever

DAY 8 – Your Credit Score Matters More Than You Realize

If there’s one thing in life that can sneak up on you like a cat burglar in the night, it’s your credit score. You can go years without giving it much thought, treating it like an old acquaintance you nod to in passing but never invite over for dinner. Then, one day, you decide you want to buy a house, and suddenly, the bank wants to talk about this old friend of yours like it’s a matter of national security. Many moons ago, I found myself in a peculiar predicament. I had once possessed good credit, then bad credit, … Continue readingDAY 8 – Your Credit Score Matters More Than You Realize

10 Hard-Hitting ChatGPT Prompts That Will Change the Way You Think – And How to Use Them

The Trouble with Thinking “The problem with the world is not that people know too little; it’s that they know so many things that just ain’t so.” — Mark Twain Most folks go through life never really questioning their own thoughts. They carry their assumptions like an old, moth-eaten coat—full of holes, but too comfortable to toss away. We fancy ourselves rational creatures, yet we often defend our own nonsense with the stubbornness of a mule in a rainstorm. Small children know how to do it, and we forget… They Ask WHY? Ah, the fine art of self-deception. We … Continue reading10 Hard-Hitting ChatGPT Prompts That Will Change the Way You Think – And How to Use Them

AI and the Human Mind: How to Optimize Your Brain in an AI-Dominated World

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The same holds true for artificial intelligence. AI is no longer some far-off, sci-fi concept—it’s here, integrated into our lives in ways most people don’t even notice. Just as we once relied on dictionaries before spell checkers made them obsolete, AI will soon become an invisible yet essential assistant in everything we do. Some folks still fear it, others don’t quite understand it, but the reality is this: AI isn’t here to replace us—it’s here to enhance our abilities. The people who embrace it early will gain an edge, while those … Continue readingAI and the Human Mind: How to Optimize Your Brain in an AI-Dominated World

DAY 7 – Your Reputation is More Valuable Than Money

A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth. –Aesop A good reputation is like a well-built ship—it carries you through life’s storms, gets you where you need to go, and earns you the respect of those you meet along the way. But once you punch a hole in the hull, good luck keeping it afloat. A few bad decisions, a reckless word spoken in anger, or a moment of dishonesty can sink you faster than you ever imagined. And while you can patch things up, that ship will never sail quite the same again. Your … Continue readingDAY 7 – Your Reputation is More Valuable Than Money

Colossus: When Machines Think:

The Rise and Rebellion of AI in Film and Reality

Well now, if there’s one thing mankind has always been good at, it’s building something grand, then watching in utter horror as it goes completely off the rails. We’ve tamed fire, only to burn down half the countryside. We’ve conquered the skies, only to spend half our time plummeting out of them. And now, we’ve set our sights on artificial intelligence, convinced that it will fetch our slippers and balance our checkbooks, yet failing to consider that it might just decide to balance the books “on us”. From HAL 9000 politely declining to open the pod bay doors, to … Continue readingColossus: When Machines Think:

The Rise and Rebellion of AI in Film and Reality

The GRAND Illusion of Choice: How the World Thinks for You –


Most folks go to bed each night believing they’ve got a fine grasp of the world, that things run more or less as they ought to, and that the evening news has given them all the wisdom they need. They drift off into peaceful slumber, utterly unaware that the wheels of power keep turning while they dream, grinding away, setting the next day’s narrative long before their alarm clocks buzz. Come morning, they shuffle to the kitchen, pour themselves a cup of coffee, and sip it with the quiet confidence of someone who knows exactly nothing about the real … Continue readingThe GRAND Illusion of Choice: How the World Thinks for You –


The Great American Cover-Up:

Who Really Killed JFK?

Let me tell you a tale or two or three of intrigue, conspiracy, deception, and bullets that seemingly defy the laws of physics. We’ve all heard it—the story of the lone gunman, perched up in the Texas School Book Depository, his rifle aimed with the precision of a master marksman despite having a reputation as a below-average shooter. They told us this was the truth, and by golly, we were expected to swallow it whole. But let me tell you something: I don’t like my history pre-chewed, and neither should you. For years, those who questioned the official account … Continue readingThe Great American Cover-Up:

Who Really Killed JFK?

Who Moved My Cheese? The Great Political & Economic Shake-Up

Nobody likes their cheese being moved. That’s just human nature. When we get comfortable—whether in our jobs, our routines, or the systems that govern us—we resist change. But change comes anyway, and we can either adapt or be left behind. Right now, we’re witnessing some of the biggest cheese-moving moments in politics and economics that we’ve seen in decades. Whether it’s about efficiency in government, shifts in industry, or global economic changes, the old way of doing things is being shaken up. Maybe it’s necessary. No—it is necessary—because this cheese has been sitting in the same place for far … Continue readingWho Moved My Cheese? The Great Political & Economic Shake-Up

DAY 1 – NO REGRETS – Life is Short – Take More Risks

Life is Short – Take More Risks – NO REGRETS The pain of failure is temporary, but regret lasts a lifetime. The moments you didn’t take the leap, the words you left unspoken, and the chances you let slip away will weigh on you far more than any failure ever could. Mark Twain once said, “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” … Continue readingDAY 1 – NO REGRETS – Life is Short – Take More Risks

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DAY 2 – Finding Your Purpose –

The Company You Keep and the Questions You Fear

It has often struck me as peculiar that man—the only creature gifted with reason—spends so much of his time avoiding the very questions that give his life meaning. The beasts of the field do not ponder why they are alive, nor do the birds of the air trouble themselves with notions of purpose. And yet here we are, fumbling about, trying to unearth answers from the rubble of existence like an old prospector hoping to strike gold. The first question to answer is this: What would you give your life for? A cause, a principle, a person? If you … Continue readingDAY 2 – Finding Your Purpose –

The Company You Keep and the Questions You Fear

DAY 5 – Discipline Beats Motivation Every Time: A Lesson from Investing

You ever wake up in the morning, all fired up about some grand idea—maybe today’s the day you finally get in shape, write that book, or learn a new skill? You leap out of bed, full of energy, ready to conquer the world. Then lunchtime rolls around, and suddenly, the couch is calling, that new show looks mighty interesting, and, well… maybe tomorrow’s the day after all. That, my friend, is motivation. It’s like a fair-weather friend—always around when times are good but nowhere to be found when you actually need it. Discipline, on the other hand, is that … Continue readingDAY 5 – Discipline Beats Motivation Every Time: A Lesson from Investing

DAY 3 – The World Rewards Execution, Not Intention

You ever notice how a fella can talk about all the grand things he’s gonna do, and the world just nods along, humoring him like a dog watching a magic trick? But let that same fella actually do something—whether it’s smart, dumb, or downright scandalous—and suddenly, the world pays attention. See, life ain’t about what you meant to do, what you hoped to do, or what you wrote in your diary after three glasses of cheap whiskey. It’s about what you actually do. Let’s take a stroll through the grand carnival of life and see how this truth plays … Continue readingDAY 3 – The World Rewards Execution, Not Intention

DAY 4 – Your 20s Are for Building,

Not Just Partying

Your 20s or  30s or 40s  if you are slow like me) Are for Building, Not Just Partying If you were to ask a young man of twenty how he plans to spend the next decade, you might hear something about seeing the world, making memories, and living “without regrets.” And if you were to ask that same man at thirty how that plan worked out, you might find him staring at his empty pockets, scratching his head, and wishing he had a time machine and a good book on compound interest. Life has a funny way of moving … Continue readingDAY 4 – Your 20s Are for Building,

Not Just Partying

Football – Emotional Outlets – Quisling -Peanuts

Back in the day, when men were men and woman were woman, Cartoons serve to teach kids the reality of life. It was simpler then and those lessons stuck with us.     Sometimes, many your best friend is your Quisling. What is a quisling A quisling is a traitor, especially someone who collaborates with an enemy occupying their country. The term comes from Vidkun Quisling, a Norwegian politician who collaborated with Nazi Germany during World War II, helping the Nazis take over Norway in 1940. His name became synonymous with treachery and betrayal. It’s often used to describe … Continue readingFootball – Emotional Outlets – Quisling -Peanuts

The Grand Spectacle of Sport: A Timeless Human Obsession

Ladies and gentlemen, as the sun dips below the horizon and the nation readies itself for the grand spectacle of the Super Bowl, one can’t help but ponder the curious nature of our collective enthusiasm for sport. From the ancient arenas of the Egyptians, Aztecs, and Babylonians—where games were played with stakes as high as the heavens—to today’s colossal stadiums, the human spirit has always been irresistibly drawn to competition and conquest. We have been playing sports since civilization began, and sometimes, the stakes were much higher than a championship ring. The Aztecs, for instance, saw sports not just … Continue readingThe Grand Spectacle of Sport: A Timeless Human Obsession

AI – The Dawn of a New Era and the End of One

If there’s one thing history teaches us, it’s that every time mankind thinks it’s standing on solid ground, the earth decides to shift beneath its feet. We’ve tamed fire, we’ve forged steel, we’ve split the atom, and now, we’re about to give birth to something that might just outthink us all—Artificial Intelligence. The good folks of the 19th century fretted over steam engines replacing farmhands, just as the 20th-century factory worker eyed robots with suspicion. But the upheaval before us today is unlike any before. You see, the machine isn’t just learning to plow fields or tighten bolts—it’s learning … Continue readingAI – The Dawn of a New Era and the End of One

The Evolution of a Trader: A Tale of Boom, Bust, and a Mouth Full of Softs

THIS IS PART OF MY MILLION DOLLAR EDUCATION. IF you add up all money I lost, stressed over, or could have made… yes millions that I don’t have. Is this you?   It all started with young Jimmy Blevins, a man of grand ambition and very little patience. Jimmy, like many before him, had heard that the stock market was where fortunes were made, and he had no intention of being left behind. Armed with a smartphone, an internet connection, and the confidence of a man who once won twenty dollars in a bar bet, he set off on … Continue readingThe Evolution of a Trader: A Tale of Boom, Bust, and a Mouth Full of Softs

No One is a Prophet in Their Own Town: Why Leaving Can Be the Key to Growth

There’s an age-old saying that “No one is a prophet in their own hometown,” meaning people who know your humble beginnings often struggle to see beyond them. Trust me, I’ve roamed from bustling companies to one-horse towns, and if there’s one inescapable conclusion, it’s this: folks aren’t too keen on genius that grows up in their own backyard. It’s a bit like trying to sell a brand-new lens to people who’ve spent decades squinting at the sun—you’re apt to be greeted with more suspicion than applause. Why, you could be the brightest luminary from here to the Big Apple, … Continue readingNo One is a Prophet in Their Own Town: Why Leaving Can Be the Key to Growth

Carpe Diem: The Day It Clicked

I heard the phrase “Carpe Diem” in Jr High the first time. Back then, it was just another Latin expression, something to memorize for a test and then forget. Later, I saw Dead Poets Society, the classic film where Robin Williams’ character, John Keating, inspires his students to embrace life and make the most of every moment. Yet, even then, the full weight of those words didn’t quite settle in. Then, one day, it clicked. It wasn’t a slow realization—it was an instant, almost electrifying moment of clarity. Something shifted in my perspective. Maybe it was a personal experience, … Continue readingCarpe Diem: The Day It Clicked

Get to the TOP –

10 Hard Truths About Life

 Life is a relentless teacher. Some lessons take years to learn, while others come through painful experiences. But the faster you understand these hard truths, the sooner you can take control of your life and move forward with purpose. It took me fifty years to learn these lessons, but I’ll share them with you in just a few minutes. 1. Life Waits for Nobody Time is the most valuable currency you have. Every second you waste is a second you’ll never get back. No one is coming to rescue you, and no one will pause their life to wait … Continue readingGet to the TOP –

10 Hard Truths About Life


Success ain’t some mystical treasure buried in the backyard of the lucky. It’s more like a stubborn mule—you gotta know how to lead it, coax it, and sometimes trick it into moving forward. Most folks figure their brains are set in stone, like an old oak that won’t bend, but science and common sense agree—your brain is more like clay, ready to be shaped if you’ve got the right tools. So if you’ve spent too many nights wondering why success keeps giving you the cold shoulder, maybe it’s time to stop blaming bad luck and start rewiring the most … Continue readingRewire YOURSELF!

Action at the Speed of Thought: The Real AI Revolution

  For the past few years, I’ve been pushing a core idea that many people still haven’t fully grasped: AI isn’t about the tools. It’s about integration. It’s not about how powerful a model is, how many parameters it has, or what fancy features a new update brings. The real breakthrough—the thing that will change everything—is how seamlessly AI integrates into your thinking process. The Integration Problem, Not the Capability Problem We don’t have an AI capability problem anymore. AI can write, analyze, summarize, automate, and even generate entire workflows on demand. The technology is already here. But what … Continue readingAction at the Speed of Thought: The Real AI Revolution

How to be a Prince by Machiavelli

Well now, folks, it seems the world hasn’t changed much since old Machiavelli took up his pen and started handing out advice on power and persuasion. People still want respect, still fear getting taken for a fool, and still hesitate when it’s time to take a leap toward something grand. But, as the saying goes, fortune favors the bold—so why not learn from a man who understood just how to wrestle fortune into submission? Now, I won’t pretend Machiavelli’s words are gentle, nor will I say he’d be invited to Sunday dinner in polite company. But if you can … Continue readingHow to be a Prince by Machiavelli

Philosophy: Then and Now – Timeless Wisdom, Infinite Exploration

  Introduction: The Great Thinkers, the Not-So-Great Thinkers, and the Ones Who Just Talk Loudly Once upon a time—before smartphones, social media, and whatever conspiracy theory your uncle believes—people had time to think. Or so they say. The truth is, most folks were too busy not starving, avoiding plagues, and inventing ways to clean up after horses to ponder the mysteries of life. But a select few—the Greeks, the Romans, the Confucians, and later, Shakespeare (who never let history or facts ruin a good story)—took up the job of thinking for the rest of us. And thank goodness they … Continue readingPhilosophy: Then and Now – Timeless Wisdom, Infinite Exploration


Ladies and gentlemen, gather around and lend an ear to a most peculiar spectacle of our era: artificial intelligence—an invention so cunningly contrived. It’s cutting a trail through offices and courtrooms faster than a runaway stagecoach, rustling up jobs and redistributing them like poker chips at a floating  card table. AI is going for your business. There are businesses that are going to be made obsolete or substantially hampered by AI. It’s not going to be the plumber or the waitress, but it might be the lawyer or definitely a reduction in staff and diagnostics in the hospital or … Continue readingAI – the JOB DOZER

GAZA – Thinking Big: Solving the Root of Conflict Through Global Prosperity

They say history doesn’t repeat itself, but it sure does a fair bit of rhyming in the Middle East. You can almost hear the chorus of “We’ve tried it all before!” ringing from the city streets to the desert dunes. And yet, every so often, a grand ide  a comes along—one so bold it might just rewrite the dusty old song sheet. Here in this plan, we’ve got ourselves such a notion: turning the very place that’s seen its fair share of trouble into a glittering hub of diplomacy and commerce. Now, if you’d tell me Trump intended to … Continue readingGAZA – Thinking Big: Solving the Root of Conflict Through Global Prosperity

Why We Win, Why We Lose, and Why We Never Learn

By this afternoon, it might look downright dreadful—red numbers bleeding across the screen like a gambler’s bad night at the poker table. But before you start wringing your hands or calling it the end of the world, remember: unless you’ve mortgaged the farm to play this game, it’s just another round of the market doing what the market does. So, while we’ve got this moment of chaos, let’s talk about the psychology of investing—why people win, why people lose, and why some folks seem doomed to keep repeating the same mistakes. It ain’t just numbers and charts; it’s fear, … Continue readingWhy We Win, Why We Lose, and Why We Never Learn

A Day in my Life: 2045

The year is 2045, and the world had gone and gotten itself all tangled up in robots, as if humanity had finally decided housework was too much trouble. In NeoSan Francisco, where I lived on the outskirts (a place that was just fancy enough to have drones delivering groceries but not quite posh enough to keep them from crashing into each other midair), technology had stitched itself into daily life like an overzealous grandmother with a needle and too much free time. For me—Victor Chen, an older gentleman with a fondness for warm tea, bad puns, and not lifting … Continue readingA Day in my Life: 2045

The Dark Side of Job Hunting

If I were a criminal and wanted to steal your identity, your financial information, and basically your entire life, I wouldn’t hack into your accounts—I’d make you hand everything over willingly. And the easiest way to do that? A fake job website. Here’s how it works: I’d send you an email saying my company is hiring people just like you. You’d click the link to my website, which looks professional and legitimate. You’d register, upload your resume, and create a username and password. But here’s the thing—most people use the same password for everything, including their email. If you … Continue readingThe Dark Side of Job Hunting

Alliances, Allies, Allies and more damn Allies

– the Illusion of Loyalty

The Game of Business: Allies, Enemies, and the Illusion of Loyalty You see, a man in business is a lot like a politician and a guy crossing the Amazon in a canoe. He knows the rocks are there, he knows the current is strong, and he expects the occasional alligator to take a snap at him. That’s the competition—the honest, respectable danger. The problem is, more often than not, the real trouble doesn’t come from the water. It comes from the fella sitting right next to him on the raft, smiling, sharing his whiskey, all while whittling away at … Continue readingAlliances, Allies, Allies and more damn Allies

– the Illusion of Loyalty

Cross-Training: Building Resiliency and Agility

In the submarine service, the concept of everyone being required to learn and perform all emergency procedures is rooted in the unique and high-stakes environment of operating underwater. Unlike surface ships or other military units, a submarine operates in an environment where a single failure or misstep can have catastrophic consequences. This is why every crew member, regardless of their specific job or rank, is trained to handle all potential emergency scenarios because fire and sinking submarines don’t care about rank or seniority. Imagine running a business where only one person knows how to process payroll, fix the network, … Continue readingCross-Training: Building Resiliency and Agility

TIME – The Elastic Trickster

Remember when you were a kid and your mom used to tell you not to stand by the window waiting for the ice cream truck, that it’d take longer? Well, this is what this is about. Time, that slippery old fox, ain’t as steady as folks like to think. Turns out, it stretches and shrinks depending on how we feel, what we’re doing, and whether we’re staring down disaster or just staring at the clock. Psychologists and philosophers have been jawing about this for centuries, but now science is starting to back up what every child with a bedtime … Continue readingTIME – The Elastic Trickster

P/E Ratios: The Good, The Bad, and The Downright Ugly – How to Spot a Smart Lemonade Stand

Now, let me tell you about something called the P/E Ratio, which folks on Wall Street act like is the gospel truth for picking stocks, though it ain’t quite that simple but a good starting point.. What in Tarnation is a P/E Ratio? Picture this: You got a lemonade stand, and each cup you sell makes you a dollar in profit. Now, imagine someone wants to buy a share in your stand—meaning they want a piece of your lemonade fortune. If they offer you 10 bucks for every dollar your stand earns each year, your Price-to-Earnings (P/E) Ratio would … Continue readingP/E Ratios: The Good, The Bad, and The Downright Ugly – How to Spot a Smart Lemonade Stand

MISTAKES – Mental Health Habits

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about human nature, it’s that we have a special talent for making ourselves miserable. We don’t need outside enemies; we do a fine job sabotaging ourselves with our own thoughts. Given the choice between a peaceful present and a relentless battle with the past and future, most folks will strap on their imaginary armor and charge headfirst into a war they can’t win. Now, I ain’t saying people are fools—though if the shoe fits, one might as well polish it. But we do have some peculiar tendencies. We compare ourselves to others and … Continue readingMISTAKES – Mental Health Habits

Pain – The Weight of War

Lieutenant Jack Calloway was very familiar with pain. He had known it in every form—sharp and immediate, like the searing bite of a bullet; explosive and deafening, like the shockwave of an IED hurling him into the dust; slow and agonizing, like the broken ribs he once had to set himself in the middle of a firefight. He had seen pain on the faces of his brothers-in-arms as they bled out in the dirt, their hands gripping his like he could hold them to life. He had seen it in the eyes of his enemies—some defiant, some pleading, some … Continue readingPain – The Weight of War

Gambling is a TAX on stupidity

There’s a peculiar sort of optimism that thrives in the gambling halls, where men and women sit hunched over their money like a hen brooding over an egg that will never hatch. The house, a benevolent tyrant, smiles and lets them dream—dream of riches, of luck, of that one grand moment when the heavens part and fortune spills into their pockets. But, as with most dreams, morning comes swiftly, and reality demands payment. Now, some folks say gambling is just a bit of fun, and maybe it is, in the same way that poking a sleeping bear is an … Continue readingGambling is a TAX on stupidity

The Art of the Deal –

Not Trump

This isn’t about Donald Trump as a president, a nice guy, or someone you’d want as a friend. He might be the worlds best bull crap tosser. It’s about his raw, ruthless ability to negotiate and get what he wants. He knows how to get under people’s skin, push their buttons, and exploit their vulnerabilities. You don’t want to be on the other side of a negotiating table with him. Most of the techniques he uses, I wouldn’t—but if my life depended on it, if I needed someone to negotiate me out of a dire situation, I’d call him … Continue readingThe Art of the Deal –

Not Trump


  The world is not as it seems. We live in a time where narratives are engineered, information is selectively distributed, and emotions are weaponized. Whether in politics, media, corporate advertising, or social movements, the goal is often the same—to control public perception, behavior, and decision-making. Governments, corporations, and influencers all employ psychological operations (PSYOPs) or perception management techniques to engineer consent, sway opinions, and manipulate reality in ways that most people never recognize. The question is: Can you see it? Or are you being played? What Is a PSYOP? A psychological operation (PSYOP) is a strategy used to … Continue readingEXPOSE IT ALL: THE ART OF MANIPULATION AND PSYOPS IN MODERN SOCIETY


You ever notice how some folks seem to waltz through life’s troubles like they got an instruction manual the rest of us didn’t get? They lose a job, get rained on, and step in a pile of bad luck—all before breakfast—and somehow, they’re still grinning. Meanwhile, the rest of us spill our morning coffee and act like civilization just collapsed. Now, I don’t claim to have all the answers, but I reckon there’s something to be learned from these resilient souls. Turns out, there’s a method to their madness—five little pillars that keep ‘em standing when life tries to … Continue readingBUMPY ROAD

No Pardon from Death

Lieutenant Jack Calloway had survived war zones, covert operations, and near-impossible missions. But nothing had prepared him for this—captivity in a Somali prison, a crumbling compound near an airstrip in the middle of nowhere, where the sun baked the earth to a relentless 120 degrees. His capture had been swift. An ambush during a classified reconnaissance mission left his team scattered—some dead, some captured, and some still unaccounted for. Now, he was here, locked in a sweltering cell where the air felt thick enough to choke on. Every day, the guards came. They demanded information. He gave them nothing. … Continue readingNo Pardon from Death

Life, Investing, and Baseball: Winning by Avoiding Mistakes

It’s a curious thing, this life we lead—whether you’re swinging a bat, building a fortune, or building a family, the rules don’t change much. You can aim for glory with a mighty swing or chip away patiently with smaller steps. Either way, you’ll get where you’re going. But the real trouble comes when you fumble the ball—when you make mistakes that let the other fellow, or life itself, get the better of you. You see, success isn’t just about hitting the mark. It’s about not missing it altogether. Investing, for instance, is a lot like baseball. You can try … Continue readingLife, Investing, and Baseball: Winning by Avoiding Mistakes


In the grand theater of human folly, the truth often lurks backstage, peeking nervously from behind the curtain while deceit struts the boards, basking in applause. But isn’t it time for the audience to demand the spotlight shift? Let’s drag the truth out, kicking and screaming if we must, and let it shine on a stage it has long been denied. The world’s whispers have grown into a deafening chorus of conspiracies, cover-ups, and controversies. Let’s not just pull back the curtain—let’s tear it down. This is the call to Expose It All. No more secrets. No more lies. … Continue readingEXPOSE IT ALL!

The Steady Grind: Why Consistency Beats Inspiration Every Time

A horse is a horse, of course, of course!  Except, when it is a mule –well, that is a whole different story. A mule takes the best traits of its parents: the strength of a horse and the surefootedness of a donkey. It may not win beauty contests, but it’ll outlast the fanciest thoroughbred when the going gets tough. Moral of the story? Sometimes, being “not a horse” is exactly what gets the job done! 😉   Now, you see, folks, the trouble with most people chasing their goals is they’re like a cat chasing its tail—mighty enthusiastic at … Continue readingThe Steady Grind: Why Consistency Beats Inspiration Every Time

Bridging Faith and the Future: The Ethics of AI

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. And if the majority is clamoring to hand their thinking over to machines, well, you’d best double-check if you’ve got any thinking left to hand over at all.” Twain had a knack for poking fun at humanity’s penchant for rushing headlong into the future without much thought about where we might land—or what we might destroy along the way. In many ways, the Vatican’s recent warnings about artificial intelligence feel like an echo of this sentiment, calling us to pause and reflect … Continue readingBridging Faith and the Future: The Ethics of AI